Terms of Sales

This is a courtesy translation. The official document remains in all cases the French 'Conditions Générales de Ventes'.

Happy Petit Senais Sancerre
SCI Petit Senais
Le Petit Senais, 18300 CREZANCY EN SANCERRE
SIRET 403 188 576 00017


Article 1 - Duration of Stay

The client signing this contract, which is concluded for a fixed duration, may not under any circumstances claim any right to remain on the premises at the end of the stay.

Article 2 – Responsibility

The owner is the sole contact for the 'contracting' client and is responsible for the proper execution of the contract signed. The owner cannot be held responsible for fortuitous events, cases of force majeure, or actions of any person not involved in the organization and running of the holiday.

Article 3 - Reservation and Contract

The receipt of the 25% makes the booking official, if accompanied by the identity card/passport, the contractor's Holiday Home Insurance, and the signature of the contract, the description sheet, and the HPS General Terms and Conditions.

Payment by bank transfer. The contract is considered firm upon receipt of the Holiday Home Insurance for each family (and when the season allows it: the signature of the HPS domain Pool regulations by family and the Pool waiver by family accompanied by minors.)

Article 4 - Payment of Balance

The client must pay the balance of the agreed service no later than one month before the start of the stay. A client who has not paid the balance by the agreed date is considered to have cancelled their stay. The service is then offered for sale again and no refund will be made.

Article 5 - Late Booking

In case of a booking less than 60 days before the start of the stay, the full payment will be required upon booking.

Article 6 - Arrival and Departure Dates and Times

The client must be present on the day and time agreed between the parties; arrival and departure times are specified on each contract, as schedules differ according to the type of package. In case of late or delayed arrival or last-minute impediment, the client must inform the owner.

Article 7 - Cancellation by the Client*

The following cancellation conditions apply to direct bookings**: Any cancellation must be notified to the owner by email. The sum refunded to the owner, with the exception of the €100 administration fee, is as follows:

  • cancellation more than 30 days before the start of the stay: 25% of the total price of the stay will be retained, i.e., the amount of the deposit
  • cancellation less than 30 days before the start of the stay: 100% of the total price of the stay will be retained, excluding tourist taxes. (You can take out cancellation insurance: e.g., Safebooking https://www.assurances-sejours.com/loisir.php)

*Excluding government decisions prohibiting travel on the dates of the contract stay. For instance: COVID lockdown.

**For clients who have booked via an OTA, refer to the rules presented with your contract by the OTA and the owner

Article 8 - Modification of a Substantial Element

If, before the scheduled start date of the stay, the owner is forced to make a change to one of the essential elements of the contract, the client may, after being informed by the owner by email:

  • either terminate their contract and obtain an immediate refund of the amounts paid without penalties.
  • or accept the modification: an amendment to the contract specifying the modifications made is then signed by the parties. Any decrease in price comes as a deduction from any sums still due by the buyer and if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the overpayment will be returned to the client before the start of their stay.

Article 9 - Cancellation by the Owner

If, before the start of the stay, the owner cancels this stay, they must inform the client as soon as possible by email. No penalty or compensation will be due by the owner and the client will then be fully refunded the amounts paid.

Article 10 - Interruption of Stay

In case of interruption of the stay by the client, no refund will be made.

Article 11 – Accommodation limits for Each Gite

This contract is established for an accommodation limit and maximum number of people per gite. If the number of people exceeds the accommodation limit (defined by the approval) or if the people are not part of the group represented by the contractor, the owner may refuse additional guests, even if they offer to provide the necessary administrative documents. Any modification or termination of the contract will then be considered to be at the customer's initiative.

Article 12 - Holiday Home Insurance Certificate

The contracting party is liable for any damage caused by him or by the group he represents. They may be covered for these various risks by the holiday home insurance certificate for their main residence;

This insurance must be provided per household and conditions entry into the rental. The client who has booked through an OTA must produce the same documents as clients who have booked directly.

Article 13 - Shared Pool Regulations/Waiver

The client is responsible for all damages occurring due to their actions and those of the group they represent. When the season allows the use of the Shared Pool Area, they must sign the Pool regulations per household and the waiver for minors, before arriving on site. The client who has booked through an OTA must produce the same documents as clients who have booked directly.

Article 14 - Inventory of Fixtures

An inventory is jointly established and signed by the client on the one hand and the owner or their representative on the other hand, upon arrival and departure from the accommodation.

This inventory constitutes the sole reference in case of dispute concerning the condition of the premises. If the client does not wish to do the inventory of fixture with the owner, they must sign their agreement that the house, installations, machines and utensils made available to them are in good working order.

The customer must inform the owner of any items that are broken or appliance no longer working, and any stained linen will be stored separately upon departure inventory. Stained linen that cannot be recovered by dry cleaning, broken objects and the cost of restoring them will be deducted from the deposit paid.

Article 15 - Use of the Premises

The client is obliged to enjoy the leased property with care and sensible and personal use.: respect the General Terms and Conditions and usual hours, limit noise near other houses, ensure that you take advantage of the shared swimming pool area while respecting its use by other gites, close the coded gate of each gite after each use for the safety of all minors present.

This common Pool area is strictly forbidden to animals, which remain in the private garden of each gite.

Our remote surveillance system (cameras) prevents the risk of intrusion when the gites are not occupied, and is of course deactivated upon guest arrival.

In the hamlet, it is requested to drive slowly (30km/h max.) due to the presence of children and other inhabitants.

The cleanliness of the accommodation must be noted during the arrival inventory by the client, it will be tidied for the departure inventory: dishwasher and bins emptied, beds unmade - sheets on each bed, towels grouped in the bathrooms.

Use the Brown Bins for household waste + bathroom and toilet garbage, the Yellow Bins for clean paper and plastic, the Village Glass Bins/Containers at the village hall (map provided on arrival), there is no compost on the gite grounds (official composts expected). The amount of any exceptional cleaning fees will be deducted from the deposit.

Upon your arrival, a Propane gas cube is made available to you for the use of Weber Plancha/BBQ, refilling is at your expense (we can help you out for €30 per cube, otherwise on sale at Carrefour Market Sancerre). A Weber brush is provided to clean the Plancha/BBQ grills, an amount of €50 will be charged if the grills or planchas have not been cleaned.

Article 16 – Security Deposit

Upon client arrival at the rental, a security deposit or €1000 per gite is requested by the owner (by check, or prior to arrival bank transfer) or by the option taken with the OTA. After the contradictory establishment of the departure inventory, this security deposit is returned at the latest within 7 (seven) days following the planned end date of the stay, minus the cost of restoring the premises if any damage is observed.

Article 17 - Payment of Charges

At the end of the stay, the client must pay the owner for any charges not included in the package (heating, air conditioning, concierge service...). The amount is calculated on the basis given in the description or an estimate drawn up and agreed between the parties. A receipt is issued at the client's request.

* The calculation of heating costs is indicated in the description: package for gas central heating, EDF meter reading in the case of mixed heating (wood/convectors) or central heating by heat pump.

Article 18 - Disputes In case of dispute

In the event of a dispute, the parties will endeavour to reach an amicable agreement. If no agreement can be reached, the matter will be referred to the competent French courts.